Wednesday, 21 September 2005

Napoleon Dynamite & Ramblings

The following blog has been reposted to my current blog to rid myself of multiple profiles and to also preserve the Idiot that was my 17 year old self.

EDIT 10/05/10: It took me a while to get use to that sort of humour.

The movie napoleon dynamite is really weird and random.
I have 2 start realising that some movies just tell stories, they dont necessarily mean anything.
I guess napoleon meant something...but they told it differently and well, its just weird.

I have emmas bday present.

I have a new friend - Peggy Sue, she's a Pegasus and has pretty hair and wings and wears a crown.

I also bought the o.c mix 4 and ordered mix 2 and mix thats awesome, having money is awesome.

I also bought meg cabots book - princess diaries. Her books are often written like diary entries and these diaries sound like my diaries, which i call Caitlin Chronicles...i will finish my 5th caitlin chronicle soon, maybe by the end of next month.

School starts soon.

I am going 2 see a movie tomorrow with mitch, jai, leena, anna...and i dont kno who else. ive never really hung out with those people before so thats interesting.

I'll have to transfer money tomorrow.

I got paid for work. so thats pretty neat. I do enjoy money.

I watched a series of unfortunate events again... I wish the movie was funnier though. I still dont think its great, but the special features are pretty awesome. I love watching Jim Carey improvise. A lot of people dont like him, but I really do. He has so much energy, I need to tap into that and bring that to my workshops and stuff, I think I act too laid back sometimes...but there is a fine line 2 having energy and over acting...ah well, it just takes practise. I can't wait to devote my life to all starts next year. oh yeh.

Anywayz I have much 2 do, and by that i mean i dont...but i can do stuff if I want to, gosh! lol...

The Hidden Banana and The Twelve Hungry Piranas

Sunday, 18 September 2005

Caitlin is 17 and a Blockblisterer!

The following blog has been reposted to my current blog to rid myself of multiple profiles and to also preserve the Idiot that was my 17 year old self.

I turned 17 Thursday the 8th of September at 3:10pm! So yeah, I'v been around for 17 years of my life - isnt that crazy? Good, but crazy.

I also spent practically the first few days of my holidays doing work experience and Blockbuster and then became a Blockblisterer! Harray! Its a wish come true. Thank You! Thank You!
So thats pretty awesome.

I've got to get my spirit up for the Wiz. Rehearsals have barely started and I'm kinda over it. But I'm sure its cuz of all the singing and we all know that I dont like that very much. I'll get over it.

The Beenleigh Show was pretty lame, so small, no ferris wheel and strong winds. Kinda sucky. I was asked to babysit one day for Amanda's kids - I thought thatd be pretty cool. I hope it happens.

Umm...I'm still obsessed with the O.C. And to me, the second season is now just as good as the 1st season. I really like it.

I have some pictures to put up on my site, from my bday and stuff. Theres alot! So it should be interesting to view...AND...hopefully everyone will get a copy of the bday dvd...kind of like a late goodie bag! LoL.

All I went on at the Beenleigh Show was the Haunted House and I went on that with Melissa and Kimberly. They're pretty cool for young kids so thats cool. Also it has been discovered that Carnies are a type of Rat people... EDIT 10/05/10: That's a terrible thing to say, but there were certain regulars at the Beenleigh Show Grounds who just happened to kind of look like rats, with the way their face was shaped and their teeth... We were also ignorant arseholes, so that helped. thats what Scott discovered and I thought it was amusing. So yeah. But I noticed that alot of them werent as Ratty as they usually are!
The kids this year had teeth and nice clothes...the parents were still kinda ratty though. I cant believe how different we all are. It's good, but its like...woah. A thought like that could break your brain. LoL. Anyways...I decided to set the balloons from my party free instead of waiting for them to die or popping them.

So I did. And I have pictures of it. Most just headed south down the road...but i do intend on going South so thats cool. I was setting my 16 year old self free, but also sending out my balloons for some kind of positive spiritual thingy. I dunno, it was cool at the time. AND STILL IS! LOL.

Anyways, so here are the pics.

I hope the holidays are good and groovy...and then school is sooo short!!! WOW! We have to get schoolies organised...its rather annoying. Id rather go overseas. Bah humbag. But other than that, things are pretty swell.

Oh and a shout out to Courtney and Nick for the lovely bday present and all the trouble they went to get it! Thanks guys. Thanks to everyone for all your lovely prezzies, you are all so very sweet! MWAH to you ALL!

Love The Bobbing Discus and The Penniless Sitar Player!

Tuesday, 6 September 2005


The following blog has been reposted to my current blog to rid myself of multiple profiles and to also preserve the Idiot that was my 16 year old self.

Wow, Alex...cracked the code...I read thru it and thought it was pretty discrete...its cuz she's a CRAZY MONGOOSE! lol...ah, she is so sweet - mwah Alex mwah!

I cant believe I'm doing stuff this extremely odd...

Thursday - will it be dandy or bad like my last bday was...oh my last bday was so lame.

What else? EDIT 10/05/10: I deleted the rest of this paragraph. It does not serve anyone any good. It is hateful and ignorant. I was hurt, yes, very much so, but I do not need to yell at a faceless group of high school kids that no longer hurt me.

Sorry, but i'm rather stressed...and they just pissed me off with they're sniggering and their bitching...oh she's listening to my chemical romance and the used...what a freak...oh she wears glasses....what a nerd...oh she has stupid socks...what a geek...

So they suck. But the theatre ppl are awesome and once again a special lil hello 2 my Alex...who is a darlin! MWAH!!!!'
Latro - The Angry Petal and The Rockin Record!
