I got the job at the conveyancing place. So I work there. I've been working there two days now, and feel like I've been working there for years. It's so cool...I have finally become my 'The Office' dream...now where is my Tim played by a cute Martin Freeman? Hmm? WHERE???
The whole office is full of females. Which means things can get slightly snappy. But it's pretty good. I love having an actual lunch break. It's friggin sweet! I don't come home from work at 11 o'clock at night and I don't come back caked in dirt.
I just rang my boss David. His reaction to me quitting - "in saying that, can you bring your shirt back?" Calm and normal as ever. I don't care what he thinks of me off the phone line, but he doesn't really seem to feel too much one way or the other. He just seems happy. How can a man be so happy? He must be in love, because he is still married, his kids all love him. He's a great man. He reminds me a bit of Harry...I don't think Harry will be owning a 7/11 for a living, he'll do much greater things...but it's just Harry all over...
Anyway, everything is going okay right now. So that is good. I just want things to go okay for a while.
YouTube is really amazingly gigantic. I'm trying to respond to everyone and add everyone as a friend...but it's going to take me a while, so please be patient. You are all so wonderful, even the mean people - I love you all! You make me smile!!!
I can't believe my rap has recieved over 1million views - thats just ker-azy!
Love Always and Latro The Digitalized Foot and The Itchy Ring Finger.
Peace and love sweetie!
See you later.Chao
Thus, I shalt end my comment with a quote!
"Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life." ~Confucius
Caitlan, you kids really amaze me that you don't fear putting your stuff out there like you do. All your life out there and you don't you fear all these people knowing who and where you are? Most people are harmless, but there are some weirdos out there....you're just 17, I hope you keep a good head about yourself and don't invite trouble.
This whole internet, mySpace, youTube stuff is pretty creepy. We had this 15 year old girl here locally that met a Kuwaiti guy on mySpace and on her own, flew to the middle east to meet him! Yikes!
Uh, am I talking to myself? Probably. Oh well. Enjoy the attention, it's pretty obvious that that's what you crave....
A jumped-up pantry boy who never knew his place he said "return the ring" he knows so much about these things...
-this charming man
e-mail me!!!
Caitlin Fan
Not that it's any of my bidness. :-/
Hey, I just added a video for the first time, how about that. I saw a creepy evangilist on TV who if you pay him $1000 he'll get the lord to do some cool things for you. I called the number and told them I was GOD and they were going to hell. lol. Check it out. You can also see my statue of Sparty.
I love having these one-sided conversations, it's kind of like those monologs where you just assume someone maybe be watching.
Have a good evening. What is the temp there? Very nice here, in the 70s F. You guys suffering from global warming? You're in winter right now, no? Just blink twice or nod once......
Keep yer chin up lassie. Like I said, the internet can be very creepy. People are not the same as in real life when they can act however they want with no accountability. And there's the porn thing...;-D
Go Green! Beat Idaho!
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