Wednesday 10 December 2008

National Arts Club - Medal of Honor (formeogmaigadz)

Before you read this, please note that my reaction to receiving this award was, "Oh no, Walter. What have you done?" I was mortified. I don't like receiving things I don't deserve but also didn't want to seem ungracious, because I adore the National Arts Club. I don't believe there was any money involved in receiving this award. I believe that the people involved were amused and impressed by the amount of views and perhaps didn't know that in the world of YouTube, it is hardly impressive.

So, when I accepted the award, I said that I wasn't accepting this for myself, but for all the online creators out there. I also secretly hoped that I will one day be able to feel like I've finally earned the award my dedicating my life to the arts.

I'm still grateful to the National Art Club for the award, and here is my - rather teen-like - account of the night.

This blog was originally posted on my Mostly Private Myspace:

Current mood: on plane

Hey everyone,

It's been so long since I've posted a blog on myspace, I'm almost at a loss of how to go about explaining what I've been up to.

Everything is out in the open now, so there will be no more secrets and I can just blog like the regular girl that I am.

Last night, I was the Honoree guest at the National Arts Club for the Lifetime Achievement Medal of Honor in the Arts - for making videos - crazy.

I'm only 20, and a fairly new 20 year old at that, and now I'm being awarded for something I've spent less than 3 years working on.

It was a little overwhelming and I also felt like it was completely ludicrous, I mean, really? Me? Come on! What about that guy? He does stuff.

I'm extremely grateful to the President Aldon James - the most delightful eccentric man I think I have ever met and the board of the NAC and also Walter Sabo, the CEO of Hitviews (my boss...even though he prefers that we are all just colleagues and business partners) for making the event such a success.

The NAC house was gorgeous, decked out in Christmas decorations and simply glowing like a really beautiful, old-fashioned Christmas tree.

Catherine, the marketing lady, had created these marvelous gift bags and I got to choose the main meal (lamb chops for the win).

Reese Schonfeld, the man who (along with Ted Turner) created CNN made a speech all about me (that nearly made me cry), and Walter spoke and he was very sweet for someone who has definitely seen some bad sides of my character, Nalts spoke and was very funny (he made me so nervous, because I hadn't prepared and his speech was absolutely wicked), Allen Shaw spoke and was wonderfully down with the URL Lingo and Online videomakers and THE Cousin Brucie (that's the man who introduced the Beatles to America and was King of Rock n Roll on the airwaves) talked about how crazy the Online world is, and how he doesn't understand what I do, but he likes it.

I was very surprised to see Ricky Butler there, but he and Nalts made it really fun once it was all over, joking around and making fun of people...

I was so glad that Sarah came, who is my hot lady roommate, she looked gorgeous and she got some great shots of everything that happened.

I'm sorry that this is so disjointed. I'm just feeling a little bit 'off' from having not written a blog in so long. Most of the time, I start writing with a message to say and a way to frame it and this is just a bunch of memories spilling out, and being pumped through my fingers as fast as I can keep up with them.

It was a great way to end the day.

I had a private little moment of happiness in my room once I got back home.

The pressure I felt to be something enamorous and spellbinding quickly fell away as soon as I arrived, and my acceptance speech went really well (apparently), even though I was "winging" it.

The day before had been quite depressing, true, I did start the morning right by going to Economy Candy on Rivington Street to buy candy for the gift bags (that shop is incredible), and yes, little work was actually accomplished due to having to rush to the salon a little after noon, but taxi cabs weren't there and people were frustrating and I just felt like I was having one big "New York Hates Me" day.

And when finally, after hair and makeup were complete and I had rushed back home to put on my dress (a spontaneous decision that thankfully turned out alright), the car that was meant to take me to the NAC decided that it wasn't going to be on time, but early, (and I was prepared to be on time) and decided that "I couldn't wait that long, call the car company". I promptly told him to "!@#$ off" It was so rude. I wasn't even late and David (money guy at the company who organized the cars) told them to wait and just add on the charges). So then the car company calls me off, and tells me it can get me a car for 20 dollars and I was just like, screw this. A cab can get me there in 5 dollars.

So I caught a cab, but then I was reading my <3's texts to me and everything suddenly became too much and two thick tears rolled down my cheeks as I blinked furiously and tried to pull myself together.

I did. And I did it good. Finally. : P


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